Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Godshalk
Not Peer Reviewed

List of Characters

The Trojans

Priam, King of Troy

Priam's Sons
5Hector, Priam's oldest son; major Trojan warrior
Paris, the abductor of Helen
Deiphobus, a minor lord, meant to swell a scene or two
Helenus, a warrior priest
Troilus, lover of Cressida
10Margarelon, Priam's bastard son

Trojan Commanders

Aeneas, Trojan warrior and herald
Antenor, captured Trojan warrior, exchanged for Cressida

Trojan Women

Cassandra, Priam's daughter, opposed to the war; damned by Apollo to clearly see the future, but whose forecasts are never to be believed
Andromache, Hector's wife
15Cressida, Calchas's daughter, beloved of Troilus; Pandarus' niece

Trojan Men

Calchas, a clairvoyant Trojan priest who has deserted his city and his daughter, and now advises the Greeks
Pandarus, Cressida's uncle
Alexander, Cressida's servant
A boy, Troilus's servant
20Paris's servant
Trojan soldiers, retainers, attendants